There are many reasons why keeping the dryer vent clean is not only beneficial in the short term, but also in the long run.
Better performance
If you haven’t cleaned the dryer vent in a while, you might notice symptoms due to the fact that the heat has trouble escaping and entering the dryer. This can lead to the clothes being warmer than they should be when taken out of the machine, and the actual process of drying the wet clothes takes longer than average as well.
This leads to a larger electricity and potentially water bill, and it can even be damaging to the components of the dryer if left unchecked for a long time. Furthermore, if enough lint collects there is a potential fire hazard due to the high temperatures inside the dryer, so keeping the dryer vents cleaned can protect not just your budget, but also your entire home.
Prevent mold
Another reason why cleaning the dryer vent is a good idea to do regularly, has to do with keeping a fresh and healthy airflow. Fully blocked vents or vents that have a limited capacity due to certain areas being clogged can potentially lead to issues with mold occurring.
Your dryer vent is not only circulating air but also removing the moisture from the ducts and hoses inside the machine, thereby preventing mold and other forms of bacteria from forming due to a humid environment. Mold formed in the dryer vent can even travel to other areas of the house, for instance leading to moldy bathroom tiles or other unwanted issues.
How do you know if your dryer vent needs urgent cleaning?
Apart from a regular maintenance checkup where the ducts are thoroughly checked, you can try holding a napkin or piece of paper up close to the dryer vent, to see how much airflow you have.
If you have to hold on to the flapping piece of paper, you have good circulation. If nothing happens at all, and the ventilation is running, then you might have a blocked vent or other serious issues.
How often should you clean your dryer vent?
We recommend cleaning the vents at least once a year, possibly twice depending on the use and environment, otherwise, you might risk experiencing the issues described above.
Proper cleaning includes removing all the built-up dust, dirt, and other particles that have collected over time. This can be done in numerous ways, but often involves cleaning products specifically designed for the purpose.